Just one wave in the ocean

This is a really powerful video I found on YouTube over a few weeks ago and it's been on my mind since. The message wasn't new, but the delivery was beautiful. The poet explains we (including himself) care more about our infrastructure than indigenous families. We complain about global warming but ignore oil spilled into oceans. Why the paradox? Because caring about the planet isn't cheap. Because we privilege one form of justice over another. Because we think an apology is enough.

I've reduced, reused, and recycled since I was taught in elementary school. In baby steps, too. First by bringing my own bottle. Next, avoiding plastic bags. Then, volunteering to clean up after a marathon or walk. But it's hard to see the impact any small step can have, especially one person at a time, and this leads to feeling like the effort has no social value. This video reminded me to act even if I don't feel like I'm making a difference; just because I don't feel it doesn't mean I'm not, even on a global scale. While it's important to look at the macro picture, the butterflies and bees shouldn't be overlooked. This message applies to more than the environment, but it took watching this video to remind me, and we all need reminding once in a while.


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